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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default (2008-07-10) NS-RFC: Washing dishes

On Fri 11 Jul 2008 06:32:05a, Goomba told us...

> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> We had a built in dishwasher at home since I was around 5 years old.
>> Even before I bought all the furniture for my first apartment, I bought
>> a portable dishwasher. How OCD is that? :-)

> I've always lived in homes with built in dishwashers, from infancy on
> up, although I never saw a portable machine until an adult. Thankfully I
> never had to use one as they seem sort of cumbersome? Emptying the
> dishwasher was one chore we kids had to perform. With 7 of us, I'm sure
> we could have used two dishwashers at a time? I think my mother
> mentioned putting a second one in long before they became more common?
> I run my dishwasher at least once a day. Full loads but then I also put
> most of my pots and pans in also if they fit. If the load is full,
> we'll handwash that odd pot or dish at times, just to finish the job
> off. Good knives are hand washed, as are wooden cutting boards, but
> throwing plastic cutting boards in the dishwasher is the way to go. I
> would hate to have a lot of dirty dishes sitting in or around my sink
> area until I washed. That alone makes the dishwasher a good thing-dirty
> dishes are hidden away. I have a LOT of kitchen ware in multiples so
> rarely have to handwash anything just to be able to use it.

The portable dishwasher I bought was actually a "convertible". It was a
top model front-loading Kitchen Aid. It was housed in a removable cabinet
that would allow it to be built in if desired. Luckily, I had a really
good location for it in my kitchen. It also had a solid maple cutting
board top which came in handy. Apart from wheeling it to the sink and
connecting it, it really wasn't inconvenient at all.

I've had two previous houses that had two dishwashers. Since there are
only two of us, most of the time during the week I would only use one of
them. However, if I was doing a lot of cooking or baking (especially on
the weekend) I could easily fill up both, and sometimes more than once.

I don't own any wooden cutting rid of those long ago when the
polypropylene boards came out, so they go in the dishwasher. My good
knives are the only things I don't put in the dishwasher.

Wayne Boatwright
Friday, 07(VII)/11(XI)/08(MMVIII)
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