On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 15:53:08 -0500, Lou Decruss >
>On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 15:59:04 -0400, Tracy > wrote:
>>Just came across this the boston.com blog:
>>Kinda pricey though. The site has some interesting things.
>I got one at least twice that size for at a rummage sale for 50 cents
>about 5 years ago. It's canvas and I toss it in the washer once in
>awhile. It will probably out live me. And it doesn't have words I
>don't understand on it. The bag you posted looks way to small to be
>useful. The ones I see for sale in the grocery stores are too small
You want bigger - try one of the IKEA bags, they are cheap, strong,
and unless you are built like Schwartznegger I'd bet you couldn't lift
one of those filled with cans.