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Default Some of McDonald's 10 Best Restaurants

On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 13:27:59 GMT, "Vilco" > wrote:

>sf wrote:
>>> One day, I couldn't resist, so for breakfast, I went
>>> over there and I ordered a cheeseburger and fries.

>> Whoa! You mean they don't separate breakfast and lunch by certain
>> hours like they do here? Whatta concept! Sounds like Denny's.

>It's usual here in Italy for McD's, and other fast food chains, to keep up
>the same menu day long. And I agree with Stan: it's nice to have a
>cheeseburger at 9 AM

I think that's why our McDonald's came up with the sausage McMuffin...
to satisfy our 9AM cheeseburger craving w/o actually giving us one.
Probably so they can sell more coffee. Coffee and hamburger doesn't
have that certain ring.

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