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Default what's your kitchen weakness (was: What's Your Kitchen Strength?)

sf wrote in :

> On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 12:03:52 -0400, blake murphy
> > wrote:
>>On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 22:05:23 -0700, "Bob Terwilliger"
> wrote:
>>>Oh, and I'm also very good at cooking chicken; I have the knack of not
>>>drying it out.

>>y'all intimidating me with your strengths. how about weaknesses? i
>>have a hell of a time getting the main and hot side dishes to come out
>>at the same time, even though i prep everything beforehand. maybe
>>that's why i like cold sides or something that can be held at
>>temperature, or chinese stir-fries and other one-dish meals.
>>(or course i know someone will reply 'i can't get the crust on my
>>*salmon en croûte* to come out flaky enough,' but no matter.)

> It sounds like you can't get the timing right, not that you can't do
> it. Take a suggestion from Bob. Start with chicken and a *timer*. I
> suggest buying a vertical roaster, for perfect chicken every time -
> but that's your call. While the chicken is roasting, make your
> sides.... and use the timer. Start by baking a potato along with that
> chicken or maybe make some plain rice.... work up to mashed potatoes,
> fancier rice or even (store bought) noodles. Learn how to make gravy
> and do it while your meat is resting. Vegetables are a breeze if you
> have a steamer. Just cut them up (uniformly), put them in the pot and
> TIME so you don't end up with mush. Do one thing often enough that
> you know how long it takes!

Step 1. Buy a pack of those feeds two people whole fryer chickens ($9-$12
bucks)...get the brand that pre-trusses with that stretch string thingie.
And put one chicken in the fridge.

Step 2. Season chicken to suit your tastes...I put lime slices under the
skin most nights.

Step 3. Put the chicken on the skewer and ensure it is secure and well
centered. Then into the rotisserie and set the timer for about 80 minutes
give or take.

Step 4. Await timer 'ding' with antisapation while making a simple salad
after reading the paper or some other relaxation method used to kill a

Step 5. Remove chicken carefully from rotisserie as it and skewer are
hot, cut it in half, and put 1/2 away for future use. Be sure to soak
skewer at soonest opportunity so as to ease clean up.

Step 6 stuff your face.

Repeat as required nightly till you run outa birds.


The house of the burning beet-Alan