A really neat grocery tote
> On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 13:10:34 -0400, George >
> wrote:
> > Now the third local walmart is literally moving across the street
> > from their current locations. The only problem with the current
> > location is that the nine year tax exemption is about to expire.
> > When we (the taxpayers) built the original site for them we
> > acquired and developed the land for them for free including running
> > the utilities and constructing a highway interchange at no cost to
> > walmart and gave them a nine year tax exemption. Now we are
> > repeating that one by one as their tax exemption expires. I would
> > think one of the worlds richest families and businesses could
> > afford to pay taxes and pay for there own stuff.
> Who approved that move? Jill says WalMart can't pull that sh*t where
> her mom lives. The voters won't stand for it.
It's true! People were up in arms, adamant there wasn't going to be another
Wal*Mart. The Beaufort City Council denied their building permit and
blocked sale of the land to them (it didn't meet the building design codes
for the property in the first place). Then the coucil turned down the (very
vague) appeal they filed. Wal*Mart made a lot of noise about a lawsuit but
eventually gave up. Thing is, it takes concerned people to attend council
meetings, write letters to elected officials, letters to the editor of the
local paper, etc. In other words, you have to make *noise*. If you sit
back and say "oh well", Wal*Mart will steamroller right over you.