"jmcquown" > wrote in message news:l7-dnfXQ5N-
> Consignment shops are places where you take "gently worn" clothing (or in
> some cases, clothing you've never worn) to be sold. The shop sets a price
> and gets a cut if the item sells.
Don't know of that here, except for two thrift store chains that take
donations of castoffs. They're supposed to be in existence in order to
assist the poor and are associated with things like soup kitchens. In
practice they're out to make money same as everyone else, they sell untested
garbage in their electronics section (no refund/exchange), and the store
staff are sleepy and rude. I don't shop there as a matter of principle.
> Where's here? Never heard of Zellers.
Canada. The place where grocery chains have Grand Guignol names like Price
Chopper. :-p
> I just did a quick search online and found ONE pair of jeans at Wal*Mart
> for $8. Since I don't wear men's clothing doesn't do me any good
> of the (adult) jeans are $14-$25.
Different stuff is cheap at different times. Men's clothing usually costs
less than women's. The real saving is in clothing for young kids under 10,
because it can be handed down to the next kid about five times.
> Perhaps. But Wal*Mart is an easy target because they're (attempting to)
> force themselves into communities where they aren't needed or wanted.
> They are far more aggressive about it than some of the other chains. When
> their building permit in Lady's Island, SC (a "suburb" of Beaufort) was
> denied for numerous reasons they appealed. Note: there's already a Super
> Wal*Mart only 10 miles from the proposed new location. When the appeal
> was denied they threatened to sue, as if it's their god given right to
> build a Wal*Mart anywhere they damn well please. That's what ticks people
> off.
It ticks people off, sure, but IMO it's just a flashy part of a much bigger
picture. What about sports stadiums and professional sports teams? If you
kin say "lawful embezzlement of public funds" it has to = the local baseball