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The UnInmate The UnInmate is offline
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Default Beer Diet - Lose Weight

"kilikini" > wrote in message
> Lou Decruss wrote:
>> On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 19:02:26 GMT, notbob > wrote:
>>> You wanna lose weight on a real beer diet? I did it. 70lbs in 8
>>> mos!

>> I lost 60 in about the same time. Similar stress diet.
>>> It was just after separating from my wife. The fact I was stressed
>>> and depressed and had little appetite helped. But, it worked. Here
>>> it is:
>>> Breakfast: 1 piece dry whole wheat toast w/ cup of coffee (black).
>>> Lunch: 1 cup of soup w/ glass of water
>>> Dinner: 2 small bean burritos and 1 six-pak of imported beer.
>>> Eat burritos, drink beer, cry self to sleep (opt).
>>> Work 10-12 hrs per day.
>>> NO!: butter, peanut butter, cheese, mayo, sweets
>>> Gar-own-damn-teed to lose approx 9-10lbs per month!

>> BTDT!
>> Some people eat like pigs under stress and depression. I'm like you
>> and can't eat. Luckily things always seem to get better and the pain
>> and stress go away. When happiness returns so does the appetite. I
>> gained 30+ pounds back. I'm pretty tall and can carry more weight
>> than a short person but I didn't like having a beer belly after I got
>> used to being thinner. I'm 6'3" and I'm back down to 192#. I'd like
>> to get down to about 185. I look and feel best at that weight. And I
>> can still have some beer, just not as much as I did when life sucked.
>> Lou

> Yep, I can't eat under stress, either. Never could. I can empathize with
> folks who eat under stress, but I don't/can't do it. Heck, I drink a
> glass of water and immediately throw it up (and not on purpose). My
> husband thinks that my weirdness (in his opinion) is contageous because
> he's getting the same way - and this is from a man who loves to eat and
> drink beer!

For a complete change of subject: beer and chocolate! Yumm.