notbob wrote:
> On 2008-07-11, Jeffy3 > wrote:
>> I have to keep coming back every ten minutes to pour some more oil
>> in. Does anybody have any good ideas ?
> You can go to a restaurant supply store and get what amounts to a BIGGER
> coffee filter. Yes, restaurants filter their oil, too. They have big ol'
> filters and holder that will hold a couple liters or oil. I'm sure they
> still have to refill the filter just like you, as their fryers hold tens of
> gallons.
> Be glad you don't have filter Fomblin vacuum pump oil, which is about the
> same viscosity as corn syrup. We had to filter it in coffee thingies and it
> would take overnight for one fill. We had little choice. The stuff was
> about $400 liter!
Another option is a couple layers of cheesecloth. I know, it's not very
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