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Woolstitcher Woolstitcher is offline
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Posts: 280
Default A really neat grocery tote

"Default User" > wrote in message
> jmcquown wrote:
>> They also sell small totes for groceries for about $1.50 but they
>> aren't big enough for more than a couple of bunches of produce.

> You might be surprised. I'd passed on buying the canvas bags at
> Schnucks because I thoought they were too small based on how they
> looked folded up on the rack. Then I saw my sister's bags "in action".
> It turns out they actually hold quite a bit.
> Brian

That is very true. Some of the bags that I make are about the size of a
Trader Joe's paper bag, I can carry 60 pounds (not that I would want to, it
was a test) w/o the straps giving. I could have put in more weight, but *I*
couldn't carry it.