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amandaF amandaF is offline
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Posts: 327
Default I am looking for microwavale storage containers fit forindividual serving

On Jul 11, 3:50 pm, (Steve Pope) wrote:
> Gloria P > wrote:
> >amandaF wrote:
> >> If anyone knows *one service-size* (I mean meal size) containers that
> >> are microwavable and can function as a plate or bowl, please let me
> >> know.
> >> If rubber maid is the only choice - i did see flat ones, please let me
> >> know what happens in the long run when it is heated repeatedly in the
> >> microwave.

> >I would be careful and not heat food n plastic.

> Corningware microwave containers are ceramic, although the lids
> are soft, pthalated (sp?) plastic. But it's easy enough to not
> use the lid, and instead cover the container by wrapping wax
> paper around it.

I never put lid of my rubber maid containers in microwave anyway. At
home, I keep a microwave cover thing on top of the microwave and use
it to cover almost everythigng I heat. wash it frequently.

> There is a basic problem that safe materials like ceramic are
> going to heat up in the microwave (there is water in ceramics
> in the form of hydrates). So when you try to use it for both
> heating and eating it is going to be pretty warm, sometimes
> very warm.

I like food very warm and so no problem. I'll place a plate underneath
if I have to hold it to eat sitting in front of TV.

> It also sucks some of the microwave energy so you
> will have to run the microwave a little longer.
> Steve