I am looking for microwavale storage containers fit forindividual serving
Sorry about the missing words in sentences and writing the opposite of
what I wanted to say, for example, "Non-meat" source.
On Jul 11, 10:44 am, amandaF > wrote:
> Hi,
> Since I have to eat more often (and eat healthy) for being
> hypoglycemia, I need to cut down on time by placing already prepared
> food, a variety at that, and put in a storage containers for one
> single servicing that are microwavable.
> As of now, I take some food out from my rubber maid containers
> (different food form different containers, dirtying utensils to scoop
> each time ) and place it on the plate or bowl to heat.
> I want to get many one size food containers, preferably in the shape
> of a plate or bowl where I can just put the food so that I can just
> grab and heat and eat (at home) or grand and put in lunch box and go.
> I would prefer the ones light enough to carry. I want to buy many
> of them, like for the hole week so that I don't have to wash them
> during the week unless I want to and have enough supply. In fact, it
> would nice if I can a few of those with compartment where I can take
> out the stuff that didn't need heating. For example, back in home
> country, we eat an Indian dish Chana (chickpeas) slightly
> differently. We mix in cucumber and some cabbage and stir in tamarind
> sauce when serving. I can go ahead and put the tamarind sauce in
> Chana but I would need to avoid heating cucumber and cabbage. I am
> planning to use Chana as a non-vegetarian source of protein as I need
> high protein meal. The other way I can use the containers with
> compartment is to put different food items that needs heating.
> If anyone knows *one service-size* (I mean meal size) containers that
> are microwavable and can function as a plate or bowl, please let me
> know.
> If rubber maid is the only choice - i did see flat ones, please let me
> know what happens in the long run when it is heated repeatedly in the
> microwave.