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Paul M. Cook Paul M. Cook is offline
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Default Ahead Of Me In Line

"Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> "Paul M. Cook" > wrote in message
>> "The UnInmate" > wrote in message

>>> It's childish to jump to the conclusion that anyone who "kicks up a
>>> fuss" is "just looking for attention." It's simplistic even when applied
>>> to the behaviour of most children. What it's motivated by is
>>> self-centredness on the part of the person *speaking*, not the person
>>> "looking for attention; because the person speaking only sees the way
>>> someone else is affecting him, which is to inconvenience him, and gives
>>> no thought to what the other person's situation or perspective might be.
>>> I find if you bother to take the slightest interest in people, their
>>> behaviour often makes sense.

>> So you're saying my desire to choke the living shit out of them is
>> inappropriate?
>> Paul

> No, he is saying you should take some interest in that person first to see
> if their behavior makes sense. Then choke the shit out of them.

Ahhh, OK. I can try that.
