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Phred Phred is offline
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Default Chicken marinades

G'day mates,

Form time to time I've tasted some great bits of "sticky chicken"
which have been roasted (I think) after spending some hours in a

A local supermarket has "chicken nibbles" on special at the moment
(they mostly look like bits of wings) so I was thinking of cooking up
some really tasty "sticky chicken" pieces. ("Sticky" in the "finger
lickin' good" sense.)

Question: What marinade would you recommend to make really tasty
chicken pieces? Although I suspect the ones I've been served
occasionally over the years were cooked in the oven, I have to admit
my oven is stuffed so I'll have to approximate the method using my
antique Hoover frypan. (I "roasted" a lump of pork in it recently and
that turned out quite edible if not quite as good as oven cooked.)

Problem: My ISP has changed something and I can no longer "surf" the
web using Windows ME. (Something about requiring "automatic DNS";
which can be configured in WinME for dialup but not for ADSL, AFAICS.)

I *can* access some sites (such as NIN. my newsserver) when I know the
actual IP number, but I can't access them by name unless I know and
can set up the respective name/number combination in my HOSTS file.
(And clearly one can't do that for the almost infinite number of
websites out there now! -- And you need web access to find them too!)

Now, all the above technical detail is irrelevant to cooking, but is
included here to forestall the ignorant twits and idiots who reply
with things like "Google is your friend" when people ask questions.

Cheers, Phred.
