Krispy Kreme surprise
On Sat, 12 Jul 2008 10:05:57 -0500, Janet Wilder
> wrote:
>Gloria P wrote:
>> One of the first Krispy Kreme (doughnut) shops opened a few miles away
>> from our house about two years ago. Imagine my surprise to see, driving
>> by about a year later that it was boarded over and had a "For sale or
>> lease" sign on the building. And I never even got the chance to sample
>> their wares! When it opened the lines of cars for the drive-up went
>> around the block and the parking lot was jammed for a while.
>> Evidently the mystique didn't last long or it was the wrong
>> location/demographic (in an area with loads of apartments and condos.)
>> Walmarts and Targets are still springing up all around, often just two
>> or three miles from an existing store which closes when the new one
>> opens, leaving an empty storefront. Ugh.
>> gloria p
>Most people didn't understand the "real" Krispy Kreme mystique. The
>donuts are , IMO, only good when they are hot off the conveyor belt.
>Once they cool off and are shelved, they are just another donut, and
>nothing to write home about.
>If you have never had a hot, glazed Krispy Kreme, you haven't
>participated in the mystique.
As someone who grew up 40 miles from Winston Salem in the late 40's
and early 50's I know exactly what you mean. During my late teen years
we lived in Chapel Hill and went to visit my grandparents in Raleigh
frequently. We had to drive by the Krispy Kreme store on the way so
we always picked up a box. After I was married and living in Texas,
we were going from NC to TX after a holiday. As we were going through
Biloxi (before interstate) I yelled at my husband to stop. Why?
Krispy Kreme donuts!!!
It is great to get a box that is so hot that you can hardly hold it.
Now that I am back near Winston, I just occasionally go into the store
and get a couple with a cup of coffee.