"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> Tracy > wrote:
>> Just came across this the boston.com blog:
>> http://www.boston.com/lifestyle/food...t_this_te.html
>> Kinda pricey though. The site has some interesting things.
>> Tracy
> Am I the only person who uses tote bags of whatever material acquired
> free of charge by way of various giveaways; e.g., trade shows? I bought
> a cool one at the Museum of Women's Arts in DC -- made of polyester that
> folds then rolls into a leetle pkg about the size of a Hostess Ho Ho or
> Twinkie. I can't imagine paying for a bag. OTOH, I HAVE been known to
> buy cosmetics I'm not 100% in need of in order to get the free cosmetic
> bag > --
> -Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
> rec.food.cooking
> Preserved Fruit Administrator
> "Always in a jam. Never in a stew." - Evergene
Cloth bags. Given away free at the NYC Greenmarket.