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maxine in ri maxine in ri is offline
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Default Have you ever had the top fall off when seasoning a dish

On Jul 12, 5:03 pm, "Kswck" > wrote:
> Did you just scoop out the overpour and serve the meal anyway?
> Crushed red pepper in a wok dish here. Scooped it out-didn't matter, the
> dish was ruined anyway. Had to make another.

Many years ago, when I was a CIT at girl scout camp,
I had half a unit of girls to make dinner with. Salad,
Campfire Stew, I forget the rest.

Girls measured out the ingredients, seasoned, and set
it cooking. One of the cooks went to take a taste, and
knocked the pepper shaker into the stew, and of course
the top was loose so the whole shaker poured into the
stew. She was so flustered that she stirred it up before
I saw her taking out the empty and stew-covered
pepper shaker.

I tasted it, didn't think it was so bad, so we ate it. The
rest of the group came back, we ate dinner, and after
campfire and toasted s'mores, the girls got into their
sleeping bags and it was lights out.

About an hour later, one of the girls came over with
an upset stomach. We sent her and her buddy to the
nurse. Then another two came over, same complaint.
Sent them up as well. After the next three headed off
top see Nurse Kitty, we saw Kitty and all six girls
coming back. I told her what happened (she had been
worried that we hadn't cooked the stew long enough)
and she went around to the rest of the tents with her
bottle of antacid to catch the rest of the kids before
they all trouped down to her cabin.

Before she headed back to her abode, she stopped
off with us counselors and CIT's and laughed about
it, but did suggest that next time we had an accident
like that, to contact the kitchen and let them deal with

The next day, my group had their hike and the other
half of the unit did the cooking. I noticed that the tops
of the salt and pepper shaker were on tightly....

maxine in ri