Ahead Of Me In Line
Gregory Morrow wrote:
> cybercat wrote:
>> "Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote >
>>> No, he is saying you should take some interest in that person first to
> see
>>> if their behavior makes sense. Then choke the shit out of them.
>> The other thing is, be kind to old folks on the off chance that you might
>> luck out and get to be one one day. That shit comes back around to you.
> Thing is, stupid *young* folks grow up to be stupid *old* folks...it's the
> stupid old folks that are often wasting my time whilst standing behind them
> in a line...
> Other bad offenders wasting our time at check - out lines are women yakking
> on cell phones, off - the - boat immigrants, the homeless, and ghetto trash
> of all colors...
> They should all be shot and ground up for compost...
Soylent what?