Hey, Skyhooks!
"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> Last night I made strawberry ice cream using the Donvier
> turn-the-handle-every-three-minutes unit. It was okay but it's a
> nuisance, albeit a minor one, to have to stand there during the waiting
> time (between turning the handle three times) and it may not have been
> as it should have been because I'd had the chiller container stored on
> its side (GASP!) in the freezer. Book said that could make for less
> success. Whatever.
> I just finished a batch of chocolate ice cream (chocolated by 1/2 cup of
> Hershey's syrup < shoot me!) done in the Waring Ice Cream Parlor
> electric maker that requires salt and ice. The machine is 22 years old
> and likely unused in 18 years. It quit a couple times but then would go
> again. Might have to have Brother John The Fix-It Man have a look-see.
> Scoff if you will, but it's pretty tasty stuff -- heavy cream and half
> and half, no eggs, in this one, along with the chocolate and some
> vanilla bean-steeped cheap cognac passing as vanilla extract.
> --
> -Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
> rec.food.cooking
> Preserved Fruit Administrator
> "Always in a jam. Never in a stew." - Evergene
Barb, we made ice cream using the old reliable electric ice cream maker (the
one I bought 10+ years ago and never took out of the box) at Vacation Bible
School Thursday night. The kids (fifth graders - 10 and 11 year olds) were
enamored of what was doing and they had a fit over the ice cream when it
came out......we did the the old fashioned kind, with real vanilla and six
cups of whole cream plus or minus other ingredients. Most had no idea what
we were doing and were surprised at just how good it was and how much better
the flavor was from boxed ice cream from the store. Nice to know I have not
been alone in my endeavors.