Who taught you to cook?
Kswck wrote:
> Parent, other family member, friend? Or did you have to learn on your
> own?
I ventured out on my own with not a clue about how to cook.
My mother did all the cooking and I was only permitted to
do potato peeling, like that.
I really like to see when people cook with their kids, I think
it's a great idea all around. They get a head start on life as
far as being able to take care of themselves, and maybe they
will eat different foods if they make it. It's a good interest to
My first mil taught me a little bit, she was a fabulous cook.
Italian. I learned crazy stuff from her, like you could cut up
an apple or an orange, whatever was in the refrigerator, and
put it in a tossed salad. Wow. Laugh if you will, but really
that's the first time I started to think about food in a different
way. Food-wise I'd led a pretty sheltered life, except that I was
the only person I knew of my friends, etc., who'd ever had