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Woolstitcher Woolstitcher is offline
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Posts: 280
Default ohhhhhh honey ...

"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> On Sat 12 Jul 2008 05:43:56p, Billy told us...
>> On Sat, 12 Jul 2008 19:29:56 -0400, "Woolstitcher"
>> > wrote:
>>>ohhhh baby mine. )

>> Don't give it to your baby. You didn't know that?

> Why? Will the bees come and carry it off? Sort of like the flying
> monkeys
> and Toto?

Well, first there is no good reason to give sweets to babies. Honey, sugar,
etc. My kids were not given any sweets or sweet foods when young, their
baby food was home made veggies and they are the most wonderful advntuous
eaters. I'm sure that is why.
However w/ babies and honey (raw or not) it's dangerous. Especially raw
honey. Raw honey has bacteria (botulism) that a baby can't deal with. An
adult has no problem but it can kill a baby. Also, if the baby has an
unknown bee allergy the reaction can be so bad that the baby may die.
There is lots of information about babies and honey on the net, this is just
a little info I found:

o Infant botulism is a form of paralysis that results from the blockage of
nerve impulse transmission by the toxin of a microorganism named Clostridium

o Infant botulism is a serious disease that may strike some infants under
one year of age. After ingestion, C. botulinum spores can germinate and grow
in the lower bowel of some very young infants.

o Newborn babies have no intestinal microflora and thus apparently are
susceptible to C. botulinum infection until their intestinal microflora
develop (during the first few months after birth).

o Healthy children and adults with normal intestinal microflora are
resistant to intestinal botulism and are able to ingest botulinum spores
without harm.