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The Cook The Cook is offline
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Default Who taught you to cook?

On Sun, 13 Jul 2008 07:25:07 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:

>In article >,
> "Kswck" > wrote:
>> Parent, other family member, friend?

>I'm self-taught. A self-taught jam maker, too.
>Pillsbury and Betty Crocker and the butchers at Hackenmueller Meats gave
>guidance 42 years ago.

I don't remember learning to cook. My mother was raised on a farm in
NC and cooked like her mother. She may have picked up some things
from her MIL but I don't remember Grandmama cooking much. We seemed
to eat out when we visited.

Mother came home from work whenever the last patient left the office
and fixed our meal. Sometimes the maid may have started something,
but not often. I remember sometime before the fifth grade I made
waffles by myself. I think they turned out ok. By high school I was
cooking. Do not remember Mother having but one cookbook and that was
one put out by the local Junior Woman's Club. I was also doing much
of the grocery shopping. (The grocery stores had such cute bag boys.)

I guess I learned by reading and watching.