Chicken marinades
Sqwertz wrote:
> I've been making this marinade for grilled chicken a lot lately.
> It's simple and very tasty. I've never really had good luck with
> chicken marinades - they just never did much for me. This one has
> some substance to it and no draining necessary.
> This kinda mimics the marinade found on the pre-seasoned meats you
> see at the carniciera, but I never found any of those that I really
> liked. Don't leave out the allspice. You can also add some lemon
> or lime juice to this for a citrus'y effect. Doesn't need much.
> 2TB Achiote paste (the slightly seasoned kind)
> 1TB Garlic - Granulated(*)
> 1TB Onion - Granulated(*)
> 1TB Whole allspice
> 1ts Whole cumin
> 1ts Mexican oregano
> 1/3 cup Oil (anything except Penzoil)
> 1/2 cup Water
> Salt to taste (2 teaspoons?)
> Crumble the achiote paste well. Grind cumin and allspice into a
> *fine* powder. Mix everything together, smashing up the achiote
> globules.
> I've let the chicken marinate for 3 hours for breast cutlets and up
> to 2 days for whole bone-in pieces. Long marinating is not that
> necessary as this stuff really sticks to the meat when it's cooked,
> so the flavor doesn't need to penetrate that much. I haven't tried
> it on pork, but I'd suspect it's just as good, or even better.
> (*) Yes, I use dried onion/garlic for this. Just make sure you
> have a fresh supply. I buy my *granulated* (never "powdered") onion
> and garlic once a month for about $.35-$.40/bag from the bulk spice
> section. Fresh onion and garlic do not work as well in this
> recipe.
> -sw
What brand achiote paste do you use? I confess I have never used
Jean B.