Thread: caffien in tea?
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Kenneth Kenneth is offline
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Posts: 638
Default caffein in tea?- Don't Worry Be Happy

On Sun, 13 Jul 2008 11:21:10 -0400, blake murphy
> wrote:


>jan brunvand, who wrote the book of which you speak and a couple
>sequels, emphasized that the tales were usually first told by a
>'friend of a friend' (f.o.a.f., or 'my brother-in-law's boss, etc.)
>who was the victim or present when the occurrence happened.
>sometimes there's an element of the story (like the pill that changes
>water to gasoline) being 'suppressed' by the big-money boys and
>mainstream media.
>but you're right, the term has been stretched somewhat since jan wrote
>his book (which is pretty entertaining).
>your pal,
>your pal,
>** Posted from **

Hi Blake,

So, based upon Snopes, (or otherwise), might you have a
thought about my question, that is, why Brunvand chose to
call these tales "Urban" legends?

Urban means "from, or of the _city_" and there is nothing
"urban" whatever about the topic of the books.

I know what the books are about, and found them

It's the title that I can't figure out (together with the
fact that this truly odd construction has caught on so

All the best,

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