Krispy Kreme surprise
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Krispy Kreme surprise
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> One of the first Krispy Kreme (doughnut) shops opened a few miles away
> from our house about two years ago. Imagine my surprise to see, driving
> by about a year later that it was boarded over and had a "For sale or
> lease" sign on the building. And I never even got the chance to sample
> their wares! When it opened the lines of cars for the drive-up went
> around the block and the parking lot was jammed for a while.
> Evidently the mystique didn't last long or it was the wrong
> location/demographic (in an area with loads of apartments and condos.)
> Walmarts and Targets are still springing up all around, often just two
> or three miles from an existing store which closes when the new one
> opens, leaving an empty storefront. Ugh.
> gloria p
They tried making a go of it here in Rhode Island too. It was to put it
mildly a complete failure.
They couldn't compete with Dunkin Donuts.
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