Cheese cutter
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Cheese cutter
T > wrote in
> In article <leoblaisdell-6A5C28.00055812072008
>> I once owned a cheap cheese cutter. It looked like an ordinary cheese
>> cutter that anyone could buy anywhere and anyone still can. But it
>> was dirt cheap and the roller fell off. From that point I could cut
>> cheese up to an inch and a half thick. After many years, the wire
>> broke. I thought it would be no big deal to get another and destroy
>> the roller, but it is a big deal. I can't find a cheese cutter that
>> is made as poorly, and the damned roller is riveted in or worse with
>> newer cutters. I can't remove the roller without destroying the
>> contraption, and that's a shame.
>> I crave a three and a half to four inch taught wire on prongs with an
>> ordinary handle. I've googled and failed, but I'm willing to be
>> enlightened.
>> leo
> I tend to use un-flavored dental floss to cut cheese. Just wrap the
> ends around your fingers and cut!
> If you want to get fancy you can even notch a piece of hardwood that
> lets you cut right to the bottom of the cheese.
I just use a knife. I put the knife blade where I want to 1/8 inch to 3
inches and then push down. Sure sometimes it doesn't work but I eat the
failures as well. I think a wire device to cut cheese for personal use
and not entertaining is frivillous a waste of time and money. A crooked
slice of cheese shouldn't bother you overly. Or affect your appetite in
any meaningful way.
Buy a rollered cheese cutter...remove roller by using wire cutters on the
plastic. Damn sure the plastic will either cut or shatter removing it
from your way. Alternate drill out the rivets. Power tools are your
friend. Alternate go to a music store buy metal guitar/piano string mount
said string in a wire coathangar frame or use the cheese cutter frame you
already have.
The house of the burning beet-Alan
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