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Chris Marksberry[_2_] Chris Marksberry[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 303
Default "Care" Packages [Unofficial 'Survey']

"Gregory Morrow" > wrote in message
> Many of us enjoy sending - and receiving - "care packages" of various
> culinary goodies and such...
> Who do you send them to...???
> What do you include in them...???
> Longest distance one of your care packages has travelled...or most exotic
> destination...???
> Etc....???

My oldest son lived for a year in a small town in Indiana. I sent them
Tex-Mex stuff because it's not readily available there.

I sent a friend in Ontario, Canada flour tortillas as they were not
available there then.

This isn't food related but I sent my ex-MIL underwear who was in the Peace
Corps in Ghana.

Personally delivered Skippy peanut butter and Old Bay Seasoning to a friend
who was living in Paris. More fun to personally deliver food to France <g>!

I received real Belgian chocolate from a friend who lives there. He sent me
the chocolate that isn't available on the internet or in the US.