sf wrote:
> On Sun, 13 Jul 2008 19:19:37 +0200, ChattyCathy
> > wrote:
> You forgot, "I don't drive out of my way for coffee"! If it's on the
> way and I want coffee, I'll stop - and I stop at a local coffee shop
> that's on the same side of the street I'm headed in. I don't like
> sweets with my morning coffee, so I stop at the chinese bakery or
> McDonald's. Starbuck's is in the polar opposite direction anyway.
> I'm changing work sites next year, so I will be getting my coffee at
> Noah's Bagels a lot. Starbucks is in the same complex, but when I
> want something to eat with my morning coffee (and I usually do),
> starbuck's isn't even on the radar. Come to think of it, Starbuck's
> isn't a morning idea for me anyway. Probably because they played up
> their foofoo drinks too much.
As the question was whether you preferred McD's coffee, or Starbucks coffee
(there was no mention of other local coffee shops, or the time of day you
wanted coffee, or how you got there to buy it) I would have thought that
the "McDonald's" choice would apply (according to your comments above).
However, the fact that I intended to go to bed hours ago (and didn't) might
have something to do with my 'logic' here. ;-)
Chatty Cathy
Egg tastes better when it's not on your face...