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Edwin Pawlowski Edwin Pawlowski is offline
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Default "Care" Packages [Unofficial 'Survey']

<sf> wrote in message
> I can't recall receiving a CARE package and I never even considered
> sending one to my kids when they were away at college. We gave them
> cash, not CARE.
> I've participated in the abf xmas exchange, but that's not a CARE
> package.... it's a cultural exchange of culinary items.

So get lost in semantics if you want, but many of us like receiving a
package of goodies from "home" once we move away.

I get them from a friend in Philly with things like Tastycakes, Habbersetts
scrapple, Taylor pork roll and last Mark it was Irish Potato candy.

I'm sure you kids appreciated cash, but I bet they would had also like some
home goodies too.