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modom (palindrome guy)[_2_] modom (palindrome guy)[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 371
Default Jazzing Up Vinegar Bottles

On Sun, 13 Jul 2008 19:54:07 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:

>In article >,
> "modom (palindrome guy)" > wrote:
>> On Sun, 13 Jul 2008 16:08:32 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
>> > wrote:
>> >I have some bottles like this one, except mine are clear. They
>> >belonged to Row-behr-to Pastorio.
>> >
>> >I want to put herb vinegar in them and enter them in the Fair.
>> >I expect to use a cork stopper.
>> >
>> >What can I do to jazz them up? They will be judged solely on their
>> >appearance as a group of five bottles. I'm not good at this stuff.
>> >
>> >Labels? Tags? Seal? Fwoofy stuff? Raffia? Metal?
>> >I'm open to suggestions and looking for help.
>> >
>> >Thanks.

>> I'd suggest pearls.

>Mmmmm, if I thought the judges would 'get it', I'd consider it.

Well, it was a thought.
>> Okay, a medal hanging from the neck might not work because the neck is
>> pretty long and the hangy-thingy would droop lower to an
>> indecisive-looking middle.


I've changed my mind. Of course. I played around with your photo --
I put some tarragon in it:

That's my suggestion (minimal) on the right. I tried painting in some
red sealing wax on the neck and it looked crummy. I think it's
because the bottle is designed very intelligently to reflect our sense
of gravity: the weight is greatest at the bottom, which gives it a
sense of stability even though it's tall and curvy. Putting lipstick
on the mouth conflicts with the design's sense of steadiness by
irrationally emphasizing the top. The top is already emphasized
enough by virtue of being a moment of physical termination.

So my new suggestion is to use its sense of stability -- go with the
flow, that is.
>> I'm one for a fairly radical asymmetry (in
>> terms of the distribution of visual emphasis along the vertical axis
>> in this case -- obviously the bottle is bilaterally symmetrical).

>H u h ? ? ?

Sorry, I compressed too much in what I wrote. The left hand image in
the picture I posted is a variation of bilateral symmetry I made by
cutting the bottle in half and switching sides left to right: the
mirror image looks the same in either the original or my
cut-and-paste. The left half is a mirror of the right half. That's
bilateral symmetry.

But the bottle is not symmetrical top-to-bottom. The top is not a
mirror image of the bottom. That's the axis (up and down) I thought
we should consider when we embellish the design and why a light visual
moment that harmonizes with the wider and visually more massive bottom
seems apt. At first, I had it upside down, so to speak.

By the way, I think it's lovely that you're using Pastorio's bottles
for this competition.

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