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Giusi[_2_] Giusi[_2_] is offline
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Default "Care" Packages [Unofficial 'Survey']

"Sky" > ha scritto nel messaggio Gregory Morrow
> Many of us enjoy sending - and receiving - "care packages" of various

I remember as a kid cast-awayed at summer camp <g>, I always looked
forward to receiving the 'care packages' from home It was so nice to
get letters, cookies, and stuff like that in the 'care package.' When
an absence from home is not optional, I imagine the importance of a
'care package' takes on an entirely different meaning.

I adore receiving them, and I am just knocked over at what friends think I
must miss. Jello, marshmallow babes, Peeps have all come to Italy. Most
recently, however, one of my oldest friends decided I was losing my chic
when I work because I wear all white that isn-t too hot to bear. She sent
me a necklace made of "diamonds" as big as ice cubes to wear with my white T
shirts. That's what I call a care package!
She also sent US yeast so I can do side by side tests to figure out why
things come out differently.


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