Cheese cutter
On Sun 13 Jul 2008 11:03:52p, Leonard Blaisdell told us...
> In article >,
> hahabogus > wrote:
>> Buy a rollered cheese cutter...remove roller by using wire cutters on
>> plastic. Damn sure the plastic will either cut or shatter removing it
>> from your way. Alternate drill out the rivets. Power tools are your
>> friend.
> On my current roller which would give an inch depth if removed, the
> damned wire is attached to the damned rivet. I thought it would be
> adequate until I got it home and noticed that the wire is dependent on
> the rivet. I'd happily knock off a roller if I could get an inch depth
> of cut without destroying the whole thing. I've looked for a while.
>> Alternate go to a music store buy metal guitar/piano string mount
>> said string in a wire coathangar frame or use the cheese cutter frame
>> already have.
> A coat hanger would not hold the wire taught. It would require heat
> treatment. I don't know how to braze which, I think, would be required.
> Soldering would not be enough IMO. I threw out my original frame,
> because I thought I could buy another. An expensive solution is upthread.
> leo
If I had wanted one as badly as you seem to, I would have already ordered
the expensive one and this thread would be long gone.
Personally, I use a knife, because I've never seen a hand-held wire cheese
cutter yet that could reach all the way to the very bottom of the block of
cheese. The best ones usually miss the bottom by nearly 1/8", which means
the bottom of the slice has to break away from the block rather than being
At least most of the wire cutters mounted on a base usually moved through
the cheese and down into a recess in the base, yielding a fully cut slice
or chunk, but you poo-poo'd that idea because of space.
So, what's it gonna be? Buy the expensive one, use a base-mounted cutter,
or use a knife? One of those solutions would allow you to quit whining
about it.
Wayne Boatwright
Monday, 07(VII)/14(XIV)/08(MMVIII)
After all, we only go around once.
There's really no time to be afraid.