Your grandmother
On Mon 14 Jul 2008 05:44:12a, Melba's Jammin' told us...
> In article 0>,
> Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
>> Yes, it does, indeed. Several of my friends back in Ohio use a cream
>> cheese dough for their kolachky. Most of them use fillings of lekvar,
>> thick apricot or raspberry jam, or a nut/sugar/egg whie mixture.
> Mom's nut filling was wonderful. She made a soft meringue and folded in
> ground walnuts and a little vanilla. She used the same filling in her
> nut rolls.
I bet that's how they made theirs. Old Slovak families, so traditions are
similar I imagine. When I've made kolachky, I've only used lekvar and
jams. I should try the nut filling this Christmas.
Wayne Boatwright
Monday, 07(VII)/14(XIV)/08(MMVIII)
Cats need to be petted *every* time
the cat eats.