Thread: steam juicer
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[email protected] is offline
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Default steam juicer

I read a thread from 2004 on this topic, and the question I have is:

how well does the juicer extract pectin?

We gather between 15 and 30 lbs of wild black raspberries each summer
and pick currants to go with them; we make jelly using a ratio of 3
cups raspberry juice to 1 cup currant juice, 3 cups of sugar and no
added pectin, standard jelly-bag method. It is a lot of work picking
the raspberries, and I would hate having a whole batch come out like
syrup. A friend would like to lend us her steam juicer to try, and I
am sure it does save labor, but I just wonder about the final result.

In the 2004 thread, one or two contributors were pretty dissatisfied
with how it performed, and what really bothers me is that most
testimonials elsewhere about these steam juicers use only exclamation
points as punctuation! I often use this as a filter to separate the
"as seen on TV" products from stuff I would really consider owning.

So I would like to hear from somebody who has successfully made no-
added-pectin jelly the way we do, both using the juicer and in the
traditional way, and who can compare the results--which method gives
you the best jelly?