On Mon 14 Jul 2008 07:11:24a, Nancy Young told us...
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Mon 14 Jul 2008 05:24:37a, Nancy Young told us...
>>> Michael "Dog3" wrote:
>>>> "Nancy Young"
>>>>> At any rate, I opened rfc this morning and the old post it
>>>>> opened was kili and sf talking about coors and whether
>>>>> it's imported and kili said that to her Coors is domestic as
>>>>> Bud.
>>>>> nancy (as always, easily amused by weird coincidences)
>>>> I lived next door to the one Bush kid. He lived in the condo behind
>>>> me. His boyfriend was killed by his father. Eventually the kid was
>>>> married off. He threw a great party though.
>>> Nice when your parents support you, isn't it? (sarcastic)
>> I could live that life, seriously. I'm tired of working!
> (laugh) I didn't mean support monetarily, I meant when your
> father shoots your boyfriend and forces you to marry someone
> you aren't attracted to.
> nancy
LOL! Well, both my parents are dead, so that's not likely to happen to me.
My Dad died before I met David. My mother thought of David as a second
Wayne Boatwright
Monday, 07(VII)/14(XIV)/08(MMVIII)
I'm an influential person,
gravitationally speaking.