Dave Smith said...
> sf wrote:
>> Oh! Well.... like I said before, it could be an improvement. They
>> might be the Budweiser of Europe, but they're considered a step up in
>> quality over here.
> It could be a huge step up. The best beer I ever had was in a cafe in
> Ypres in Belgium. It was incredible, and would be measured on a scale
> that starts higher than that by which North American beers could be
> measured. My big regret that it was draught beer and I never did find
> out what kind it was.
Heck, probably all of Europe brews better beer than Budweiser.
A friend of the family in the air force used to bring me German beer
straight from Germany each week. A case (a plastic crate) of pint bottles
with the mechanical locking caps. That was good stuff. He never charged me
a cent and wouldn't even take my money, just "don't throw the bottles away,
there's a deposit for their safe return for refilling." I was OK with that
I remember taking the Heineken tour in Amsterdam. The locals considered it
****water. We drank a lot of Grolsch.
These days it's hard to tell where beer is brewed. Coors and other brewers
use Canadian brewers for some of their brands purely to keep up with
demand. Imagine my surprise that Fosters is only brewed in Canada?
"Australian for beer?" Yeah, right!
Australia has Coopers Ale, my boss forced us to drink while there. Brewed
in Adelaide, SA, his home town. I don't know how the Aussies qualify their
ale but I could drink that all night with barely a buzz. A lot of drunk
bush flies licking the sweat off my shirt!