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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 35,884
Default Goodbye Budweiser!

Andy wrote:

> >
> > It could be a huge step up. The best beer I ever had was in a cafe in
> > Ypres in Belgium. It was incredible, and would be measured on a scale
> > that starts higher than that by which North American beers could be
> > measured. My big regret that it was draught beer and I never did find
> > out what kind it was.

> Dave,
> Heck, probably all of Europe brews better beer than Budweiser.

I don't want to start a ****ing match over beer, no pun intended. But IMO run
of the mill American beer is pretty much crap. Most Canadians pride themselves
in our beer being better than American beer, but I don't think it is much
better. I prefer to buy imported beers and for some reason, most European
beers are actually cheaper than Canadian beer. They cost more per can but come
in larger cans for they cost less per ounce.

Having recently been to Sweden and having tried their beer I would say it is
the exception to the superior European beers. I tried two different brands and
didn't care for either.

> These days it's hard to tell where beer is brewed. Coors and other brewers
> use Canadian brewers for some of their brands purely to keep up with
> demand. Imagine my surprise that Fosters is only brewed in Canada?
> "Australian for beer?" Yeah, right!

There are a number of international beers brewed here under licence. I don't
know how much if it is actual recipe and genuine ingredients and how much is
just a matter of licensing the name. The Carlsburg they made here tasted like
some of the other beers from the same brewery and nothing like Danish
