Thread: Freezing bread
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amandaF amandaF is offline
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Default Freezing bread

On Jul 14, 7:46 am, Cindy Hamilton >
> On Jul 14, 10:02 am, amandaF > wrote:
> > Q1: How long can a store-bought wheat bread be kept in the fridge w/o
> > affecting the nutrient content?

> > Does freezing cooked food (especially of non-meat) reduce the nutrient
> > content? I have only frozen raw meat, frozen dinner or pizza, and
> > sometimes, boiled chickpeas or yellow split peas I use to make some
> > dish.

> > It doesn't look like I will get to using newly bought wheat breads - 2
> > loafs, total 3 lbs - soon. How long can I keep them in the fridge
> > unopened? Should I freeze them? I guess freezing won't change the
> > quality of carbohydrate content, right? Or should I just eat wheat
> > bread in all meals instead of freezing? The other starch I have are

> > - more than half a loaf of Oro Wheat wheat bread
> > - Roti (3 piece left)
> > - Santa Rosa wheat Tortilla (almost the whole pkg left)
> > - Corn tortilla (almost the whole pkg left)
> > - Fresh French bread (not wheat) which I eventually put in the fridge
> > (probably should make crouton out of it)
> > - I have egg noodle - 1/4 of the pkg left, which is already boiled -
> > that I must soon soon aside from left over fried egg noodle
> > - Basmatic rice which I avoid eating because it is white, but I made
> > beef curry last night and , I can't avoid completely because they just
> > go together too well; Last night, I also made a vegetarian dish with
> > yellow split peas, Indian eggplants, and okra that would go with rice.
> > (Indian curries seems to preserve food better in the fridge)

> > Q2: As you can see, unless I only eat wheat bread, my wheat breads are
> > not getting get used up any time soon; I would hate to freeze but if I
> > do, I want to know whether the affect of freezing on the nutrient
> > content. Also, can I wait some times before freezing in case I get to
> > using those? Or should I freeze now?

> You worry too much about the nutrient content. Eat a broad range
> of healthful foods, blah blah blah.

Only You'd understand on;ly if you are in my shoes..

> Cook's Illustrated recommends not waiting until the bread is stale
> before freezing. If you're an infreqent bread user, they recommend
> freezing immediately after purchase, and defrosting individual slices
> prior to use.

So, I just defrost what I need, not the whole loaf? Does that mean, I
should split the loaf (may be to 3 groups) when freezing?

> That's what I do with wheat bread. My husband
> won't eat it, whereas I occasionally like a slice of wheat

I like wheat bread but I am not creative what else to eat with wheat
bread for meals. I use it for breakfast typically. To me, wheat bread
is perfect for breakfast. That and egg. I usually eat (2 eggs - one
yoke) though I only ate one egg this morning but I ate plenty of
chicken and beef yesterday.

One of these days, I am going to learn to make roti to the point where
I can make it really fast. Then, I'll make a few at a time and limit
my wheat bread buying . Roti tastes good even with tortilla. I use
roti with fajita and it was better than with tortilla.
> Cindy Hamilton