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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 35,884
Default Goodbye Budweiser!

Nancy2 wrote:

> > Oh come on. You guys have been buying up businesses and properties all over the
> > world, and you hate it when the locals resent it.

> We have? I dunno, it seems the balance is off. Maybe because we don't
> get any good world news around here. We always hear about the Saudis
> or the Japanese, though, and what the newest land purchase or
> corporate sell out is....I should start watching news on BBCA.

Oh come on Nancy2. You must have your head in the sand. American companies have
bought up companies and property around the world. They and the government have
supported corrupt and oppressive regimes in order to protect their interests. They
have interfered in elections and had a hand in coups and even supported tyrants like
Saddam Hussein. A lot of the goods now coming from third world countries are
manufactured by American or other foreign owned companies who moved their operations
there to take advantage of lower wages and lax employment and environmental laws.
Saudis do own a lot of American business and American debt. You can thank your
government for helping to keep the House of Saud in power.