Thread: Pork broth
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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default Pork broth

cybercat said...

> I found some really nice bone-in chops, browned and braised them, as
> usual. Refrigerated the pot overnight and removed the fat, and there is
> all this rich brown broth left. I have mentioned that I have used it as
> the base for the sauce when I make pork and noodles (adding asian
> spices), but what do you all do with this?
> I froze it, same as I do the drippings from roasted chicken.


I'd heat up the broth with a couple cloves of crushed garlic and thicken it
up into a BBQ sauce, split open an Italian hoagie roll, stuff with pulled
pork, drown in gravy and top with Mozzarella cheese, tightly seal in
aluminum foil and toss into a 350F oven cheese side up, for 15 minutes or
until roll is lightly toasted and cheese is melted. Let cool for 10 minutes
and I'd carefully enjoy the mess! I'd make two. One for me and one for you.

A variation on my meatball sandwiches.
