Goodbye Budweiser!
<sf> wrote:
> On Mon, 14 Jul 2008 07:33:03 -0400, "Nancy Young" >
> wrote:
> >At any rate, I opened rfc this morning and the old post it
> >opened was kili and sf talking about coors and whether
> >it's imported and kili said that to her Coors is domestic as
> >Bud.
> >
> >nancy (as always, easily amused by weird coincidences)
> Hey, Coors *was* imported into CA all the way from Colorado or
> whatever state it was at the time (so said the ads). Her version and
> my version of what imported meant were a little different, that's all.
> Still defending my POV!
Yup...remember in the mid - 70's when President Ford was in CO for something
and it was reported that cases of Coor's were delivered to Air Force One to
take back to DC...also I knew college classmates that would take ski trips
out to CO and bring back cases of Coor's to sell (college was in IL) They'd
finance their trips that way...
This was all at the time of "Coor's Mania"...around the time of when mood
rings, Quiana, AMC Gremlins, _Kojak_, and Pioneer stereo receivers were
cool IIRC, c. '74 - '75.
In retrospect it was silly, it was just yer basic watery beer...