Dinner last night - with pictures.
kilikini wrote:
> Tracy wrote:
>> kilikini wrote:
>>> Tracy wrote:
>>>> I made an old fashioned Moroccan dinner last night. It is the kid's
>>>> favorite Moroccan meal. It's called R'fissa (that's how I spell it!)
>>>> and it consists of chicken, onions and fenugreek simmered until done
>>>> and served over a sort of shredded fried bread called msimmen (also,
>>>> how I spell it!).
>>> (snip)
>>> Wow, that really looks good. Do you have a recipe you follow that
>>> you'd care to share?
>>> kili
>> I do, but it is really long.....
> (recipe snipped and saved)
> So, it's almost like a Moroccan crepe/noodle with chicken and broth with
> herbs? I've got to try this! Thanks, Tracy!
> kili
Exactly. ;-)
It is a lot of work though - it doesn't take that long - but you are
working steadily for an hour or so....
I usually make it in the cooler months but we had a chicken and a hungry