Who taught you to cook?
Kswck wrote:
> Parent, other family member, friend? Or did you have to learn on your own?
My mom says I was helping her cook when I was four years old. I don't
know if she's exaggerating, but I do remember cooking with her when I
was quite small, and she's still my go-to source for how to cook meat
and all my childhood favorites.
> Mom boiled every veggie to death. Figure ALL pork must be cooked in a fry
> pan covered with mustard and sauerkraut, till it's dead, beef so rare it
> would moo and chicken ONLY in a pressure cooker, or Shake-N-Bake.
> (Don't get me started on her soups-she believed food was to keep you
> alive...taste? 'You want that too? Why?').
> Learned on my own.
My mom is a wonderful cook, but James's mom was like your mom. It's such
a shame. He didn't have a salad until he was in his 20s.
"I think I have an umami receptor that has developed sentience." -- Stef