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Posted to sci.chem,,sci.physics,sci.environment
hanson hanson is offline
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Default plastic from potatos

"RichD" > wrote in message
I'm at Whole Foods the other day, they have this array
of recycle bins, sheesh, you need a PhD to toss your garbage.
Anyway, I throw the plastic utensils into the trash, one
of the staff says, "That's biodegradable, toss it in the
compost bin." Polywhatever can be fertilizer? It seems
the 'plastic' is made from potatos.
ok chemists, how do you turn potatos into a moldable material?

hanson wrote:
1) 281 google hits for "plastic from potatoes".
2) Cross link the potatoes' Starch and you'll get some
Cellulose analogue, in certain ways like rayon.
3) Ferment the starch into lactic acid & polycondensate it into
PAL which can give plastic products similar to Acrylates.
4) ... and a host of other possibilities, all of which are barbarously
costly and shoddy green shit technology that will only
be around as long green shit like that is subsidized.
5) **** Enviros: Enviros caused global warming.
6) **** Enviros: Enviros caused high gas prices.
7) Enjoy chemistry -- but **** Enviros.
ahahaha... ahahahahanson