Eat Your Heart Out, Felicity Lawrence expose on breakfast cereals and other major junk food scams by global corporations, The Guardian, UK: Murray 2008.07.05
white, fat and fugly > wrote:
> today i just talked to someone who thinks yogurt is healthy.
Isn't it? Actually, yogurt is neither healthy nor unhealthy - just the
people who eat it. Some will be, some won't be. It's a milk product,
with fairly high carbohydrate, so obviously for a diabetic, it's not to
be eaten too casually. It seems reasonable food to me, if it's well
made and eaten appropriately
> processed food diets are a scam.... crap and why they're getting away
> with murder is of course.. simply put... who's going to
> question yogurt?
I eat lots of processed food - meat, which has been processed by a
butcher, then further processed by me by cooking, a fair amount of
tomato juice, smaller amount of fruit juice, which are obviously highly
processed, muesli which, again, is very highly processed, coffee,
sometimes beer (the best there is in the world, brewed to Bavarian purity
laws), .... Heck, it's difficult to think of anything I eat which isn't
processed food. Even the water I drink out the tap is (thankfully)
> it's SHIT!
> eat your yogurt and put on 20lbs. a year.. and get gurd and whatever
> else if your system is sensitive to it other than the constipation and
> bloated belly from it.
How about eating yogurt, and thereby maintaining a healthy weight, and
having energy available for one's daily business?
> it's easy to marker me off as a fruit in a situation like this.
Processed fruit or unprocessed?
> but why folks take that shit i quoted seriously.... it's all under the
> same scam...
> instead.. eat pure.
Eat pure what?
> and good luck on that.. i even hear that seeds from mass production
> veggies is hard to get the shit out of.
You have got some issues with shit, haven't you?
> ug!
> maybe we should wish for the mushrooms now!
> (as in clouds)
Oh dear!
Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).