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anonymousNetUser anonymousNetUser is offline
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Default Goodbye Budweiser!

Mark Thorson wrote:
> notbob wrote:
>> On 2008-07-15, Mark Thorson > wrote:
>>> Back when I was a big beer drinker, I noticed a very
>>> rare phenomenon. On three occasions, I got a can of
>>> beer in which it seemed as though the bubbles were
>>> smaller (not that I think that's really possible,
>>> but that's what the mouthfeel was like) and the beer
>>> had a slight citrus taste. I'm wondering if those
>>> could have been cans that failed the pasteurization
>>> process.

>> Not sure what you mean. Are you referring to Coors or just some beer? Coor

> I believe the first can I encountered was Coor Light,
> and the subsequent two were Keystone Light. This would
> probably have been in the 1990's.
>> didn't pasturize and pasturizing is just a post brew warming/time process.
>> I don't pasturize and on a bad day, I can make a better beer than canoe
>> beers. OTOH, I used to notice that about Coors. It seemed to have smaller
>> bubbles than other beers. Might be due to the continuous refrigeration.
>> Cold beer holds more carbination at what feels like smaller bubbles than
>> warm beer.

> I forgot to mention that these three cans of unusual
> beer were cloudy. (I always pour beer into a glass.)
> That's another reason I thought they might be unsterile.

Real beer isn't sterile, nor is it made in sterile surroundings. It is
made in sanitized surroundings. Look up the difference.

If the beer was cloudy, two possibilities: One is "chill haze"--this is
protein that was not settled out of the beer during brewing or lagering
and it becomes apparent when the beer is cold. The other possibility is
active yeast that continued to grow in the can (i.e., it wasn't
pasteurized correctly).

Either way, it's perfectly okay to drink.