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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Goodbye Budweiser!

On 2008-07-16, Mark Thorson > wrote:

> I wonder why they don't make it that way delibrately.

For the same reason most ppl drink box wine instead of good wine. They
don't know any better. Before I met a home beer brewer, I too drank bud
canoe beer. I liked the occasional grolsch or Singha, but I mostly drank
bud. I used to say, "I'm not going to pay $8 for a sixer of beer anyone can
make for $30 in a plastic garbage can!" Little did I know.

Even when I met my brewing mentor, I didn't like heavy porters and strong
ales. I thought Bigfoot Barleywine was the nastiest stuff on the planet.
But, he had 16 beers on tap at all times. All homebrewed and all fabulous.
During each drinking bout, he'd start me on his best German pilsners till I
got a bit tipsy. Then he's start introducing me to stronger beers like pale
ales and IPAs. By the end of the night we'd both be hammered and I'd crash
in the guest room. This went on for a full Summer while he showed how beer
was brewed. His beer selection was ever changing. Such aromas, such
flavors. It was heaven. Now I can never go back to canoe.

I was in the process of converting another buddy when I moved. He, having
more disposable income, always drank Euro-swill.... Becks, Heiniken, etc.
I'd bring over an IPA. He didn't like it. Wouldn't drink it. So I
backpeddled. Brought over a sixer of Blue Moon, a suprisingly good Coors
rendition of a Belgian witbier (white beer, with coriander, orange peel,
etc). Mmmm... he liked that! If I'd had more time, I'd have turned him.

If a person has been drinking swill all their life, hard to convince them
it's swill. They like it. But, if you take it slow and educate their
palate, they will see the light. Good is good.
