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Mark Thorson Mark Thorson is offline
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Default Can I bake these chicken wings in the oven?

Steve Pope wrote:
> Actually ... your question has been answered here
> before, but damned if I can remember the exact answer.
> I think the "wing" is not the piece next to the
> wingtip, but the next closer piece to the body
> than that.

That's what I was thinking, but removing the
wingtip from it does not result in something
that looks like a Buffalo wing. On the other
hand, the frozen pieces in the bag do look
like Buffalo wings. 5 of those are about
equal to 2 fresh wings, in terms of calories
and fat calories. Even if the wingtip section
was equal to the in-board section in size
(which it's not -- it's smaller), how can
you divide 2 wings into 4 pieces which have
total calories and fat calories about equal
to the five pieces in the bag? Those 5
pieces are either a different cut, or from
smaller birds.