"hanson" > wrote in message
| "RichD" > wrote in message
| ...
| I'm at Whole Foods the other day, they have this array
| of recycle bins, sheesh, you need a PhD to toss your garbage.
| Anyway, I throw the plastic utensils into the trash, one
| of the staff says, "That's biodegradable, toss it in the
| compost bin." Polywhatever can be fertilizer? It seems
| the 'plastic' is made from potatos.
| ok chemists, how do you turn potatos into a moldable material?
| Rich
| >
| hanson wrote:
| 1) 281 google hits for "plastic from potatoes".
| 2) Cross link the potatoes' Starch and you'll get some
| Cellulose analogue, in certain ways like rayon.
| 3) Ferment the starch into lactic acid & polycondensate it into
| PAL which can give plastic products similar to Acrylates.
| 4) ... and a host of other possibilities, all of which are barbarously
| costly and shoddy green shit technology that will only
| be around as long green shit like that is subsidized.
| 5) **** Enviros: Enviros caused global warming.
| 6) **** Enviros: Enviros caused high gas prices.
| 7) Enjoy chemistry -- but **** Enviros.
| ahahaha... ahahahahanson
Where Vice President of the USA Dan Quayle can't spell "potatoe"
Delaney can't spell "potatos" .
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