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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Breakfast! Anyone?

On Wed 16 Jul 2008 06:13:04a, Andy told us...

> Wayne Boatwright said...
>> On Wed 16 Jul 2008 05:53:46a, Andy told us...
>>> Wayne Boatwright said...
>>>> On Wed 16 Jul 2008 05:39:14a, Andy told us...
>>>>> Wayne Boatwright said...
>>>>>> On Wed 16 Jul 2008 04:36:51a, Andy told us...
>>>>>>> Breakfast! Anyone?
>>>>>>> Chicken tenders, lightly pan fried with my choice of chile verde,
>>>>>>> pesto and guacamole.
>>>>>>> You?
>>>>>>> Andy
>>>>>> Two slices of 12-grain toast with sour cherry preserves.
>>>>> Wayne,
>>>>> Sour cherry preserves? Why would anyone eat such a thing?
>>>>> Because?
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Andy
>>>> The preserves aren't sour, Andy. The cherries are the same type used
>>>> in cherry pie. In both cases they are sweetened. IOW, sour cherries
>>>> as opposed to bing cherries and other "sweet cherries".
>>> OK.
>>> Never tasted cherries 'cept the sweetened maraschino kind as a kid. I
>>> think that's what caused my dislike of cherries.
>>> Andy

>> I'm amazed that you've never eaten a piece of cherry pie! You might try
>> eating some sweet bing cherries (those are the very dark almost black
>> cherries) fresh, out of hand. They are quite sweet and delicious.
>> Maraschino cherries are highly processed with chemicals to give them the
>> texture, color, and flavor that are distinct to them. While they're
>> still cherries, of course, they bear little resemblance to any other

>> of cherry.

> Wayne,
> T2 diabetic, I WISH I could try a slice! (
> Andy
> Misses grapes.

I'm also T2 diabetic, well controlled for years now. I can adjust my
dietary intake to have such treats on occasion.

Wayne Boatwright
Wednesday, 07(VII)/16(XVI)/08(MMVIII)
It's easier to get older than it is to
get wiser.