Thread: BBQ`song
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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default BBQ`song

On Wed 16 Jul 2008 08:51:38a, told us...

> On Wed, 16 Jul 2008 15:40:37 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> > wrote:
>>On Wed 16 Jul 2008 06:31:24a, George Shirley told us...
>>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>> On Wed 16 Jul 2008 12:17:08a, told us...
>>>>> On Tue, 15 Jul 2008 23:24:39 -0400, " BOB" > wrote:
>>>>>> LOL!
>>>>> Well, I certainly learned a lot! I had no idea there were so many

>>>>> sauce variations - mayonnaise BBQ sauce? And Florida is *not* a
>>>>> Southern state? Since when?
>>>> Many Southerners living in *other* Southern states do not consider
>>>> Florida part of "The South".
>>> That's because it became a retirement home for old Yankees.

>>I wasn't gonna say it, but you're right.

> So, being a Southerner is like being in a club where your membership
> can be revoked on a whim? Didn't know that either. I'm liking being
> a born & bred Yankee more and more.

It is next to impossible to "become" a Southerner by simply moving to the
South. I have known non-natives who've lived there for many years that are
still considered "yankees" or even "damned yankees".

Even thought my entire family, including my parents, were born and raised
in the South, I was actually born in California and only lived in the South
as an infant before our family moved away. I was never considered quite
Southern. :-)

Wayne Boatwright
Wednesday, 07(VII)/16(XVI)/08(MMVIII)
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